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«  Апрель 2015  »


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Главная » 2015 » Апрель » 3 » ПРОЕКТ «What′s in our water?» -ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ ВО ВРЕМЕНИ И ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ.
В 1995 году методист по ИКТ-Добшиков Александр Евгеньевич предложил Лисициной Анне Егоровне, руководителю кружка «Глобус» поучаствовать в учебной программе по естественным наукам, основанной на применении коммуникации, т.е. в ДЕТСКОЙ КОМПЬЮТЕРНОЙ СЕТИ НАЦИОНАЛЬНОГО ГЕОГРАФИЧЕСКОГО ОБЩЕСТВА США или Киднет (NGS KIDS′ NETWORK).

В проекте «What′s in our water?» приняли участие 269 классов (3400 ребят):
5 классов из Канады (1 из Альберты, 2 из Британской Колумбии, 2 из Онтарио); 1 группа из России(Миасс-МЫ!); 1 класс из Германии, Исландии, Таиланда и 113 классов из 31 штата США.

РЕЗУЛЬТАТ: Мы вошли в ШЕСТЁРКУ СИЛЬНЕЙШИХ КОМАНД МИРА в проекте «What′s in our water?» и стали участниками следующего проекта на льготных условиях… Мы получили богатейший опыт и научились по-настоящему дружить, работать в команде за одну идею и получать от этого удовольствие!

А потом к нам в гимназию приехали американские школьники, заинтересовавшись результатами проекта «What′s in our water?».
Для гостей была составлена обширная программа: образовательная, познавательная, развлекательная.
Позднее учащиеся гимназии посетили США, где познакомились с жизнью подростков, где вместе проводили мониторинг за качеством воды в стране.

Предлагаем Вашему вниманию рассказы американских школьников и их сопровождающих (стилистика авторов сохранена).
Отзывы наших ребят (Кутюхина Александра, Ермохиной Анастасии, Двойнишникова Семёна) мы дали в комментариях. Читайте!

Americans' Impressions about Russia. June 1999

Ashley Hane. 16. Walker
Wow. Very beautiful. The mountians are luminous against the cityscape. The whole land is very enchanting. Sexuality is very in. Food does not come in wonderous variety. The laws seem more lax. Life is good. I like it here. I think I wanna come back. However, there is a lot of garbage. Other than that it's cool... Yup.

Keith Peterson. 17. Walker
I like it very much, as you can see I came back a second time. The people are very nice, but thereis alot of garbage that needs to be picked up. I don't like the food very much. I think this exchange should keep going.

Alyson Berget. 10. Morris
I think Miass is wonderful. I enjoy the people very much. I met many new friends. Miass is a very rich place. There are very neat places to visit. There is a lot of history in this area and I enjoyed learning about it. I would like to learn how to speak Russian and I hope to return someday. Spaceba!

Kyle Berget. 41. Morris
The country of Russia is impressive. Their love of history and the arts is immense. I think as Americans we could learn a great deal in this area from our Russians friends. I feel this has been a a special opportunity for me to visit the beautiful city of Miass. The lakes and trees are spectacular. I am so very glad I once again had the pleasure of returning to Russia with my daughter Alyson. I like the idea of cooperating on projects and getting the students together to communicate their ideas. Thank you very much and I hope to make a third visit in the near future.

Tanya Van Keulen. 18. Marshall
I love russia, it is a very beuatiful country. I have been to Chelyabinsk and Miass and both are very exciting. The city of Chelyabinsk is very large and I like large cities, but I think that Miass is cleaner and more pretty. The lakes and the mountains are so beuatiful and i wish that I had such scenery in my city of Marshall. Of course there are some things that I would prefer to be more american, but every country has it's own identity. The food is fun to try. I love the bread and the pelmeni, but I hate fish. The people are more than wonderful in many ways. I think that the russian people are very generous and their hospitality is over whelming, in america there is no person who could match this amount of warmth and love. All I can say is that I appreciate all that everyone has done for me and that I wish that I could stay much longer. My experiences here are unforgetable and they have changed me in many good ways.
Sincerely, Tanya Van Keulen

Michelle Hartwig. 17. Little Falls
The towns of Miass and Chelaybinsk is much more beautiful than the last time I was here in Russia. The city of Miass is very pretty with the mountians and the running water. I am enjoying everything that is here. The lake Turgoyak is very clean and beautiful. The water is very pure and I was able to see the bottom of the lake in parts. I enjoyed the time I spent in Chelyabinsk, but I do not like large cities and in Miass where I am staying is much similar to my small town life in Minnesota. I love driving by the small villages and looking out the window and watching the people work in their small gardens. The people are all very kind and friendly, willing to talk to us. I especially enjoy climbing the mountains and looking out at the scenery on the mountains. The time I have spent in Russia is very memorable and I will never forget all my experiences I have had. The families in which I have stayed have treated me very nicely. They go out of their ways to make me happy. I am glad that I have had the opportunity to expierence a trip like this. The country is very beautiful and the mountains are gorgeous. I love Russia and all the cultur I have experienced.

Muriel Runholt. 57. Marshall
Russia is a very vast country with many many cultures. When one comes to Miass one sees only one part of Russia, and we have to remember that Moscow is much different than Miass. The Ural Mountains are so unique in thier beauty and geology; we are very privledged to be here and experience the wealth of your Ural Region. I am especially impressed by the warmth and kindness of the Russian people.
America is farther ahead of Russia in keeping our water and air clean. We have two national pollution laws which all States must follow called the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act. The water quality laws help us to protect all of our lakes, rivers and streams. The air quality laws determine how much and what kind of emissions factories can disperse to the air. Without these laws our environment would be dirtier.
This is my second trip to Russia. The first trip I was in Chelyabinsk in October. What I remember about Russia in October is the rain, snow and mud. Now it is spring and all the flowers are in bloom. The Russian Spring is very beautiful, warm, and everything is green.
I love the Ural Mountains and all the rocks. I wish I could stay longer and see more mines and quarries. I am bringing a lot of rocks back to America with me. I think that I need a bigger airplane to get all my rocks home.
It is my wish that the Russian people have a long and prosperous relationship with America. Our people's have much to learn from each other. Americans can teach you about economics, finance, and pollution control. Russians can teach us about hospitality and sharing, and graciousness. Let our countries always be friends.
Категория: Юбилей Гимназии | Просмотров: 1078 | Добавил: geograf | Рейтинг: 5.0/3
Всего комментариев: 1
1 geograf  
Отзывы наших ребят (Кутюхина Александра, Ермохиной Анастасии, Двойнишникова Семёна. Стилистика авторов сохранена)  о поездке:

Sasha about America

"I was enjoyed very much our trip inAmerica. It was very fun. We were met in host families very well.
The weather in Minnesita is like our in Chelyabinsk region. We could see a lot of huge shops in USA.
As for me the best interesting was driving small karts in Moondance Ranch in Walker.
In Little Falls we taught by Mr.Pikal about biology methods for water quality testing.
In Marshall we visited corn processing plant and International Food Fest in local university.
In Morris we visited the firm that cleans up soil and water in case of pollutions.
In Walker we were at garbage processing center and ever helped them to clean up their territory together with american students.
There were a lot of interesting things in every place we visited".

Nastya about America

"Whatcan I say about America? I like it. Everithing here is beautiful and clean. And
most of all I like shops.
It's great! I have never seen so big choise.
But  there are many stupid and unuseful things, but I like it.
I like here: shops, cleanliness everywhere, pretty homes, schools...
I don't like: fast food, school food, bad weather... I miss our Russian food here.
People here is very different. Mostly they are like in Russia, but just speak another language".

Semyon about America

"Hi! I am Semyon Dvoinishnikov. I would like totell you about my trip to America. It was very funny.
The people in America are very hospitable and kind. All five hosts asked me to return in America.
But I think I will never return in America. Because it is very expensive. I lived in five towns.
They are Little Falls, Marshall, Morris, Walker, Hermantown (suburb of Duluth).
The families were so different.
Some like new music (like "Nirvana" or new pop music), some like old music (like "The Beatles" or "Pink Floyd").
Some like to watch TV, some dislike to watch TV... "

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